About me
If you're looking for hype? For acceptance and community? For fun and engaging content? The search is over because MsAshRocks is the complete package, from content creation as a Twitch Partner and Ambassador, her charity work, to being the founder and owner of Team Rocksquad, Ash has always shown herself to push for excellence in everything she does. She strives for equality across the board as well as diversity. MsAshRocks is much more than a content creator, cosplayer, she's an activist and ally as well as a Community Manager. She focuses on Mental Health and Self-Care not just for herself but for those around her. You'll catch her live throughout the week clicking heads in Valorant or playing fun, immersive story games, either way, her community, the Rocksquad, will be there hanging out and supporting her. When she's not streaming you can still find her online through discord, playing games, and spending time with the community. Speaking of her community, it is one she has carefully grown since her streaming debut in 2016. Her community is diverse and from all across the globe, but what they all share is the same welcoming and friendly spirit that Ash puts into all her content Ash can be found on many platforms, from her main community on Twitch, to social platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and her Partnered Discord server.
What or who inspired you?
My biggest inspirations are MegKaylee and Valkyrae. Some of the very first streams I watched on Twitch and I fell in love with the platform and had to try it for myself. MegKaylee has promoted positivity within my life at the most rough patches, and ValkyRae has a great community and she motivated me to push for one as well. MegKaylee has been great on supporting me within her stream team, Team Sin Squad, and always believing in me and my content. I met both Meg and Rae on Instagram through gaming pages. It is so nice to see all of us growing our communities and doing amazing things together on Twitch.
What are some of your favorite moments while streaming?
My most favorite moments are when I do something silly on stream or rage pretty hard and seeing chat's reaction! It is priceless and makes my heart happy to know I made someone laugh or smile that day. My goal for streaming is to make at least one person smile a day.
When do you stream?
I stream Wednesday - Saturday at 9PM PST!
Where are you from?
I am from Northern California and still reside here!
When did you start streaming?
I started streaming consistently December 23rd, 2016. I bought a pre-built PC form BestBuy and started from there with only one monitor and a laptop for chat. My setup was at its worst and I still pushed for what I dreamed of, making a community of amazing humans that care for one another. During 2017, I was in community college and had inconsistent hours of streaming every week but I pushed my hardest to stream everyday. I now go to school online and have a consistent schedule.
What is your favorite emote?
My own tier 1 emote "msashHUG" created by Lya. It is so adorable, especially greeting someone new in a chat!
How old are you?
I am currently 22 years old. I was born October 20th, 1997.
What team(s) are you apart of?
I currently have my own team, Team RockSquad. I am also on TeamProjectKindness, and NorCal Casters.
Do you have a PO box?
No, I do not! I do have my Stream Gifts list! https://stream.gifts/MsAshRocks. Here you can send me a gift without sharing your info with me! I open all gifts on stream!
What charities have you supported through your content creation?
StJudePlayLive for St.Jude Children's Research Hospital ($12.2K)
1000DreamsFund ($1,014)
TWLOHA ($1,020)
Save the Children ($1,625)
Breast Cancer Research ($2,892 raised in total)
What are some things you like to do with your community?
My community is my family, meaning family bonding is important through my content and outside of it. When I play live on stream I make it important to play community games most of the time to get to know one another more. I make it common to pay attention more to my chat other than game-play so you know you are all important to me, and make this possible for me to do. At the end of the day playing games, watching movies after stream, and just chatting in discord is what I LOVE to do.